Included With Each Subscription

Monthly Publication, Post-Test and Answer Key

At the first of each month, (every other month for Personal Growth), you will receive an age-specific course, as well as the related cognitive competency post-test and answer key. Education and competency tracking records are also provided with each subscription.

Premium Website Access

Our website,, is a central location for our subscribers to directly download our age-specific materials. Staff will be able to go to our website and read the monthly publications, while administrators will be able to download the publications, post-tests and answer keys. If preferred, courses and post-tests can also be printed and distributed to staff. With over 20 years of experience distributing monthly materials, we have learned that providing a direct link on our website to the monthly materials will help allay the inherent problems with e-mail, such as spam-blockers, as well as snail mail, which often causes a delay in receipt of materials in a timely manner.

Free Online Testing Center

Our online Testing Center is available to all subscribers at no additional charge. Staff members can complete the monthly post-tests online and automatically receive a certificate of completion upon successful completion. Or, tests can be taken on paper and manually graded by an administrator. And, if preferred, also entered into the Testing Center. Once a test is successfully passed (90%), a Certificate of Completion, individualized with the staff member's name, test name, and date taken, will be available to print. There is also a report section for administrators to check staff's progress and cumulative contact hours.

Free Contact Hours

My Education Resources & Solutions, LLC is an approved provider of continuing education by the Florida Board of Nursing. Every state accepts nursing continuing education approved by another State Board of Nursing. At no additional charge, one (1) contact hour is awarded for successful completion of each post-test.